Flexible Sobriety Checkpoints Are A Low-Cost Tactic For Deterring DUIs

Inno-admin/ July 19, 2018/ alcohol misuse, alcohol-fueled offenses, CDC, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, dui tactics, impaired driving, Law Enforcement, NHTSA, sobriety checkpoints

Flexible Sobriety Checkpoints Are A Low-Cost Tactic For Deterring DUIs On a Saturday night last month, a sobriety checkpoint in Harrisburg, PA stopped 475 vehicles. But for all their efforts, police in Dauphin County made only two DUI arrests. At that same checkpoint location in 2015, 300 vehicles where stopped and 24 arrests were made. Sobriety checkpoints have long served

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Study Says Stricter State Alcohol Policies Mean Fewer DUI Deaths

Inno-admin/ June 15, 2018/ alcohol abuse, alcohol facts, CDC, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, impaired driving, Societal Costs

Study Says Stricter State Alcohol Policies Mean Fewer DUI Deaths Do deaths from alcohol-involved motor vehicle crashes decrease when states enact more restrictive alcohol policies? It’s a question being asked by researchers in a new study recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Tougher Alcohol Policies Mean Fewer Deaths “Association of State Alcohol Policies with Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities Among

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Problem Drinking on the Rise for Older Adults

Inno-admin/ February 6, 2018/ alcohol abuse, alcohol misuse, Alcohol Misuse & Abuse, binge drinking, CDC, problem drinking, Societal Costs

Problem Drinking on the Rise for Older Adults Recent research is bringing to light a troubling trend in alcohol abuse: A spike in late-in-life, high-risk drinking. Problem drinking is on the rise among older Americans, according to a recent study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). The number of adults 65 and older who engaged in

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Super Bowl LII: Game Planning for a Sober Ride Home

Inno-admin/ January 30, 2018/ CDC, continuous alcohol monitoring, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, Football and drinking, impaired driving, National Football League, NHTSA, Societal Costs, Super Bowl LII, Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl LII: Game Planning for a Sober Ride Home On February 4, more than 66,200 people will converge on U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, Minnesota to witness the Philadelphia Eagles and the New England Patriots battle for the title of World Champions. Millions more will be watching on TV. According to Nielsen, 111.3 million people watched Super Bowl LI

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