DUI Checkpoints: Advertise or Surprise?

Inno-admin/ April 10, 2019/ Drunk & Impaired Driving, dui checkpoints, DUI countermeasures, dui tactics, fair dui flyer, google, High Visibiliy Enforcement, Law Enforcement, Legislation & Public Policy, public policy, sobriety checkpoints, waze

DUI Checkpoints: Advertise or Surprise? The goal of DUI checkpoints is primarily deterrence: to raise the perceived risk of arrest, and secondarily to enforce drunk and impaired driving laws. Checkpoint information such as location and time is often highly publicized in the targeted areas using High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) tactics to promote compliance with the law. But, not all agencies and

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In Best Known “Pot” State, Most Impaired Driving Still Linked to Alcohol

Inno-admin/ August 16, 2018/ driving while high, drugged driving, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, dui tactics, impaired driving, Law Enforcement

In Best Known “Pot” State, Most Impaired Driving Still Linked to Alcohol When Colorado became the first U.S. state to permit the sale of recreational marijuana in 2014, some expressed concerns that the state would see a huge spike in drug-impaired driving. Four years later, the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice reports that cannabis alone accounts for about 6% of DUIs, while

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Flexible Sobriety Checkpoints Are A Low-Cost Tactic For Deterring DUIs

Inno-admin/ July 19, 2018/ alcohol misuse, alcohol-fueled offenses, CDC, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, dui tactics, impaired driving, Law Enforcement, NHTSA, sobriety checkpoints

Flexible Sobriety Checkpoints Are A Low-Cost Tactic For Deterring DUIs On a Saturday night last month, a sobriety checkpoint in Harrisburg, PA stopped 475 vehicles. But for all their efforts, police in Dauphin County made only two DUI arrests. At that same checkpoint location in 2015, 300 vehicles where stopped and 24 arrests were made. Sobriety checkpoints have long served

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When It Comes To Boating, Alcohol and Water Don’t Mix

Inno-admin/ June 22, 2018/ alcohol abuse, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, dui tactics, Law Enforcement

When It Comes To Boating, Alcohol and Water Don’t Mix With summertime boating season underway, it’s important to remember that impaired driving isn’t limited to the roadways. Boating under the influence (BUI) is just as dangerous as drunk driving and it’s illegal in all 50 states. The Dangers of BUI According to the U.S. Coast Guard, alcohol is the leading contributing

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