Dry January and the Movement Towards Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Inno-admin/ January 18, 2024/ alcohol industry, Dry January, health, Making a Difference, non-alcoholic, Societal Costs

Dry January and the Movement Towards Non-Alcoholic Beverages According to a July 2023 Gallup survey, only 62% of Americans say they drink alcohol, compared to 38% who say they completely abstain from drinking. Additionally, young adults today are less likely to drink than young adults 20 years ago, but older adults are more likely to do so, according to Gallup. As younger

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The Most Dangerous U.S. States for Drunk Driving

Inno-admin/ July 11, 2023/ Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, DUI stats, impaired driving, Societal Costs

The Most Dangerous U.S. States for Drunk Driving Picture this: You are sitting at the bar on a Friday night after a long week of work. You decide to treat yourself to a couple of beers before you head home. As you get into your car to drive home, you hesitate briefly, but decide to anyway because home is only a

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Decreasing Drinking Can Lift Your Spirits

Inno-admin/ April 8, 2021/ covid-19, depression, Dr. Kristin Willeumier, drinking alcohol problems, drinking problems, drinking trends, emotional impacts, RAND Corporation, Societal Costs

Decreasing Drinking Can Lift Your Spirits Adults in the U.S. used a variety of coping skills to handle the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. While some increased exercise or tackled a list of home improvement projects, many increased their consumption of alcohol to cope. Unfortunately, this likely had the opposite effect than what was intended—rather than lifting spirits, picking up extra

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Decreasing Drinking Can Lift Your Spirits

Inno-admin/ April 8, 2021/ covid-19, depression, Dr. Kristin Willeumier, drinking alcohol problems, drinking problems, drinking trends, emotional impacts, RAND Corporation, Societal Costs

Decreasing Drinking Can Lift Your Spirits Adults in the U.S. used a variety of coping skills to handle the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. While some increased exercise or tackled a list of home improvement projects, many increased their consumption of alcohol to cope. Unfortunately, this likely had the opposite effect than what was intended—rather than lifting spirits, picking up extra

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Where Everybody Knows Your Name: Study Examines Drinking Locations and Drunk Driving

Inno-admin/ December 14, 2018/ alcohol research, drinking at home, drinking location, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, Societal Costs

Where Everybody Knows Your Name: Study Examines Drinking Locations and Drunk Driving The Prevention Research Center at the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE) has released a new study focused on a less researched aspect of drinking and driving behavior—the location where the drinking event took place before drinkers get behind the wheel and drive. Where Have We Been When We

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Drunk Driving Deaths Dipped in 2017. But That’s Not the Whole Story.

Inno-admin/ November 29, 2018/ alcohol facts, alcohol impaired crashes, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, drunk driving stats, dui, DUI stats, impaired driving, NHTSA, Societal Costs

Drunk Driving Deaths Dipped in 2017. But That’s Not the Whole Story. In 2017, 10,874 people lost their lives in drunk driving crashes, according to recent data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Based on the reported numbers, alcohol-impaired driving deaths dropped 1.1% from 2016. DUI Fatality Numbers for 2016 Revised Fewer fatalities are always good news. But it is

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Need a Sober Ride Home? There’s An App For That

Inno-admin/ July 27, 2018/ Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, dui tactics, impaired driving, NHTSA, smartphones, Societal Costs, technology, Uncategorized

Need a Sober Ride Home? There’s An App For That In 2016, nearly half of all drunk drivers involved in fatal crashes were between the ages of 16 and 34. And according to the Pew Research Center, more than 90% of Americans in that age group own a smartphone. Two mobile apps are tapping into those overlapping demographics to target

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4 Activities to Avoid If You Plan to Drink this 4th of July

Inno-admin/ June 28, 2018/ 4th of july drunk driving, alcohol and fireworks, Alcohol Misuse & Abuse, Boating Under the Influence, drinking alcohol problems, dui tactics, Fourth of July drinking, holiday drunk driving, impaired driving, July 4th designated driver, Societal Costs

4 Activities to Avoid If You Plan to Drink this 4th of July From California to Maine, people will soon be gathering in parks and backyards to celebrate Independence Day. For many, the holiday isn’t complete without a few beers, a festive cocktail, or a couple of glasses of wine. And while alcohol and July 4th celebrations may go together

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Study Says Stricter State Alcohol Policies Mean Fewer DUI Deaths

Inno-admin/ June 15, 2018/ alcohol abuse, alcohol facts, CDC, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, impaired driving, Societal Costs

Study Says Stricter State Alcohol Policies Mean Fewer DUI Deaths Do deaths from alcohol-involved motor vehicle crashes decrease when states enact more restrictive alcohol policies? It’s a question being asked by researchers in a new study recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Tougher Alcohol Policies Mean Fewer Deaths “Association of State Alcohol Policies with Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities Among

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Summer DUIs: Drunk Driving Never Goes Into Vacation Mode

Inno-admin/ May 24, 2018/ alcohol abuse, alcohol facts, alcohol-fueled offenses, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, holiday drinking, NHTSA, SAMHSA, Societal Costs, summer drinking, Uncategorized, underage drinking

Summer DUIs: Drunk Driving Never Goes Into Vacation Mode Whether it’s backyard barbecues, boating on the lake, or catching a baseball game, summertime offers plenty of opportunities for people to socialize and spend more time outside. And for many, enjoying summer activities also means consuming alcohol. As a result, the summer months see a substantial increase in both alcohol-involved crashes

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