States with Ignition Interlock Compliance Laws Note Lower Rates of Repeat DUI Offenses

Inno-admin/ August 9, 2023/ Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, ignition interlock, IID, legislation, Legislation & Public Policy, recidivism

States with Ignition Interlock Compliance Laws Note Lower Rates of Repeat DUI Offenses According to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), 31% of all fatal crashes in 2021 were caused by alcohol-impaired drivers. In fact, repeat DUI offenders are more likely to be involved in DUI-related fatal crashes than first-time offenders. To help combat this problem, all 50 states have adopted

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The Most Dangerous U.S. States for Drunk Driving

Inno-admin/ July 11, 2023/ Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, DUI stats, impaired driving, Societal Costs

The Most Dangerous U.S. States for Drunk Driving Picture this: You are sitting at the bar on a Friday night after a long week of work. You decide to treat yourself to a couple of beers before you head home. As you get into your car to drive home, you hesitate briefly, but decide to anyway because home is only a

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Hesitation to Use Ridesharing Services, Public Transportation Causing an Increase in DUIs?

Inno-admin/ August 5, 2020/ alcohol abuse, covid-19, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, ridesharing, ridesharing apps

Hesitation to Use Ridesharing Services, Public Transportation Causing an Increase in DUIs? Following months of quarantine and social distancing, many jurisdictions throughout the country are now reporting a disturbing new trend: an increase in DUI arrests. There are a number of potential explanations for such an increase, including the fact that people are more hesitant to use ridesharing options and public

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Cars May Soon Determine if You’ve Had Too Much to Drink

Inno-admin/ July 18, 2019/ ACTS, BAC testing, Breath Testing, DADSS, drinking and driving, Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, DUI costs, DUI technology, impaired driving, Monitoring & Technology, NHTSA, Volvo

Cars May Soon Determine if You’ve Had Too Much to Drink Shortly after consuming that last drink, you choose to get in your car and drive home. Unwise as that decision may be, it’s yours to make. Soon, that decision may be made for you—by your car. With more than 10,000 lives and $44 billion lost as a result of drunk

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6 Unexpected Ways to Get a DUI

Inno-admin/ March 19, 2019/ Alcohol Misuse & Abuse, alcohol related accidents, alcohol-impaired driving, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving

6 Unexpected Ways to Get a DUI We’ve all read the frequent headlines about drunk driving crashes on highways and residential streets, in urban and rural areas, at excessive speeds and even driving well below the speed limit. A DUI arrest is not limited, however, to operating a car on a designated public road.  Each state determines the legality or criminality

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Veterans Treatment Court Act Funds Supportive Alternatives

Inno-admin/ January 17, 2019/ alcohol abuse, drunk driving, DWI & Specialty Courts, legislation, Making a Difference, Veterans Issues, Veterans Treatment Courts

Veterans Treatment Court Act Funds Supportive Alternatives Veterans treatment courts (VTCs) are one of the fastest growing specialty court types in the U.S.; there are now more than 551 VTCs nationwide. Recent legislation will fund support staff at these alternative courts to assist veterans on their road to recovery. Veterans Treatment Courts Increase Assistance This fall, the Veterans Treatment Court Improvement Act of

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Where Everybody Knows Your Name: Study Examines Drinking Locations and Drunk Driving

Inno-admin/ December 14, 2018/ alcohol research, drinking at home, drinking location, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, Societal Costs

Where Everybody Knows Your Name: Study Examines Drinking Locations and Drunk Driving The Prevention Research Center at the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE) has released a new study focused on a less researched aspect of drinking and driving behavior—the location where the drinking event took place before drinkers get behind the wheel and drive. Where Have We Been When We

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Drunk Driving Deaths Dipped in 2017. But That’s Not the Whole Story.

Inno-admin/ November 29, 2018/ alcohol facts, alcohol impaired crashes, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, drunk driving stats, dui, DUI stats, impaired driving, NHTSA, Societal Costs

Drunk Driving Deaths Dipped in 2017. But That’s Not the Whole Story. In 2017, 10,874 people lost their lives in drunk driving crashes, according to recent data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Based on the reported numbers, alcohol-impaired driving deaths dropped 1.1% from 2016. DUI Fatality Numbers for 2016 Revised Fewer fatalities are always good news. But it is

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Infographic: Drinking and DUIs During the Thanksgiving Holiday

Inno-admin/ November 15, 2018/ Blackout Wednesday, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, holiday, Making a Difference, Thanksgiving

Infographic: Drinking and DUIs During the Thanksgiving Holiday Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, football, and of course, food, but alcohol can often take center stage. Over the past five years, more than 800 people died in alcohol-involved crashes during the Thanksgiving holiday period. And, with over 45 million Americans planning to take a Turkey Day road trip this year,

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Labor Day Fourth Deadliest Holiday for Drunk Driving

Inno-admin/ August 28, 2018/ Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, General, Labor Day drunk driving, Labor Day Weekend, NHTSA

Labor Day Fourth Deadliest Holiday for Drunk Driving As summer winds down, Americans are looking forward to Labor Day—the last holiday of the season and last chance to wear white. But a wardrobe faux pas isn’t the only thing to worry about during the holiday weekend. With 298 average traffic fatalities a year, Labor Day may mark the end of summer,

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