Labor Day Fourth Deadliest Holiday for Drunk Driving

Inno-admin/ August 28, 2018/ Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, General, Labor Day drunk driving, Labor Day Weekend, NHTSA

Labor Day Fourth Deadliest Holiday for Drunk Driving

As summer winds down, Americans are looking forward to Labor Day—the last holiday of the season and last chance to wear white. But a wardrobe faux pas isn’t the only thing to worry about during the holiday weekend. With 298 average traffic fatalities a year, Labor Day may mark the end of summer, but it is also the fourth most dangerous weekend to be on the roads.

States with the Most Labor Day Drunk Driving Deaths

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 40% of traffic deaths during the 2015 Labor Day holiday weekend involved alcohol, with 23% involving drivers with a BAC of 0.15+. But some states are more dangerous than others when it comes to drunk driving fatalities.

With 12 drunk driving deaths, research from Finder shows California is the most dangerous state to be on the road during Labor Day weekend. Missouri follows close behind with 10 deaths and Texas in third at nine deaths. And with 67% of alcohol-involved Labor Day traffic fatalities occurring between 8 p.m. and 4 a.m., night time is the deadliest time to be on the road.

Celebrating Safely

Drunk driving puts everyone on the road at risk. Follow these tips to safely celebrate Labor Day and the end of summer:

  • Plan on commemorating summer’s end with an alcoholic drink or two? Don’t wait until after you start drinking to figure out how you will get home—plan your sober ride home ahead of time.
  • Whether it is a sober friend, ride-sharing service, or cab, make sure you know your options and set a backup plan in case your plans change.
  • Can’t find a safe way home? Check with friends or family to see if you can stay the night.

Visit this Summer Drinking and DUIs Resource Center to find more statistics on summer drunk driving and additional tips to celebrate the last holiday of summer safely.

The post Labor Day Fourth Deadliest Holiday for Drunk Driving appeared first on Sobering Up.

Source: Sobering Up Blog

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