Veterans Treatment Court Act Funds Supportive Alternatives

Inno-admin/ January 17, 2019/ alcohol abuse, drunk driving, DWI & Specialty Courts, legislation, Making a Difference, Veterans Issues, Veterans Treatment Courts

Veterans Treatment Court Act Funds Supportive Alternatives Veterans treatment courts (VTCs) are one of the fastest growing specialty court types in the U.S.; there are now more than 551 VTCs nationwide. Recent legislation will fund support staff at these alternative courts to assist veterans on their road to recovery. Veterans Treatment Courts Increase Assistance This fall, the Veterans Treatment Court Improvement Act of

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NADCP Conference Highlights Individual Experiences of Alcohol Addiction and Abuse

Inno-admin/ June 14, 2018/ alcohol abuse, alcohol addiction, Alcohol Misuse & Abuse, alcoholism, DUI/DWI treatment courts, DWI & Specialty Courts, General, NADCP, recovery

NADCP Conference Highlights Individual Experiences of Alcohol Addiction and Abuse We spent a week at the National Association for Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) Annual Conference where a common theme emerged about the individualistic nature of alcohol addiction and abuse. Many DUI treatment courts and corrections programs have the same requirements for every alcohol client regardless of their risk and need

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Tennessee Court Says DUI Testing Fees Unconstitutional

Inno-admin/ March 6, 2018/ drunk driving, dui tactics, DWI & Specialty Courts, DWI Courts, impaired driving, Legislation & Public Policy

Tennessee Court Says DUI Testing Fees Unconstitutional For eight years, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) has collected a $250 fee for blood and breath tests from individuals convicted of drunk driving. In a move that could change how DUI cases in Tennessee are prosecuted, the Court of Criminal Appeals in Knoxville recently struck down this practice as unconstitutional. The

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Judge John S. Kennedy Leaves Behind a Legacy in York County, PA

Inno-admin/ January 22, 2018/ 24/7 Sobriety, Alcohol Misuse & Abuse, continuous alcohol monitoring, drunk driving, dui, dui tactics, DWI & Specialty Courts, Monitoring & Technology, recidivism

Judge John S. Kennedy Leaves Behind a Legacy in York County, PA After serving 22 years on the bench, the Honorable John S. Kennedy has called it a career. Though he may have stepped down as Common Pleas Judge for Pennsylvania’s 19th Judicial District, he’s leaving behind a legacy—one of changed lives. Shortly after beginning his judicial career, Kennedy attended

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