Hesitation to Use Ridesharing Services, Public Transportation Causing an Increase in DUIs?

Inno-admin/ August 5, 2020/ alcohol abuse, covid-19, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, ridesharing, ridesharing apps

Hesitation to Use Ridesharing Services, Public Transportation Causing an Increase in DUIs? Following months of quarantine and social distancing, many jurisdictions throughout the country are now reporting a disturbing new trend: an increase in DUI arrests. There are a number of potential explanations for such an increase, including the fact that people are more hesitant to use ridesharing options and public

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Are Ridesharing Services Affecting Drunk Driving Crashes?

Inno-admin/ October 26, 2017/ Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving crashes, Lyft, ridesharing apps, Uber

Are Ridesharing Services Affecting Drunk Driving Crashes? Research over the past few years suggests that the availability of ridesharing services, such as Uber and Lyft, may help reduce drunk driving incidents. With the use of these apps on the rise, it makes sense that drunk driving crashes would decrease, especially in metropolitan cities where this business is booming. While this

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Uber faces steep fine for drunk driving complaints

Inno-admin/ May 11, 2017/ Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, dui, impaired driving, problem drinking, ridesharing apps, Uber

For the past couple of years, Uber has touted data that suggests its ridesharing service reduces DUIs and drunk driving crashes in areas where Uber usage is high. In particular Uber has tapped into this claim by partnering with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and marketing free rides on days known for heavy drinking, like St. Patrick’s Day. But the

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