Cars May Soon Determine if You’ve Had Too Much to Drink

Inno-admin/ July 18, 2019/ ACTS, BAC testing, Breath Testing, DADSS, drinking and driving, Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety, Drunk & Impaired Driving, drunk driving, DUI costs, DUI technology, impaired driving, Monitoring & Technology, NHTSA, Volvo

Cars May Soon Determine if You’ve Had Too Much to Drink Shortly after consuming that last drink, you choose to get in your car and drive home. Unwise as that decision may be, it’s yours to make. Soon, that decision may be made for you—by your car. With more than 10,000 lives and $44 billion lost as a result of drunk

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Missouri lawmakers eliminate funding for DWI checkpoints

Inno-admin/ May 31, 2017/ DUI costs, DWI enforcement, Legislation & Public Policy, madd, Missouri DUIs, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, NTSB, sobriety checkpoints

Last week Missouri’s legislature sent a bill to the governor’s desk that could make sobriety checkpoints in Missouri a thing of the past. House Bill 4 reduces annual state funding for DWI checkpoints from $20 million down to $1. The bill’s supporters say the reduction is in response to both a tight state budget and skepticism about the effectiveness of

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